What is Woolworths HIDING in their cakes?

4 min readFeb 20, 2021
Woolworths South Africa

21 February 2021

How appetizing do beaver anus gland secretions and toxic chemicals like Potassium Hydroxide sound to you?.

Woolworths is no stranger to scandals. One can recall the listeria drama not too long ago and their actions hinting at them selling the exact same meat but rebranded and at a much higher markup cost.

Now, as fate or luck would have it, we stumbled upon a leaked ingredient list that accidentally went up on their website.

So, have you ever really wondered what exactly is the “flavoring” and “stabilizers” listed on their bakery products?.

Imagine now, how would you feel swallowing a piece of that cake knowing it's made of Beaver anus secretions(VANILLA FLAVOR 7131 AV) and toxic chemicals like Potassium Hydroxide?

This brings us to the Woolworths Triple Layered chocolate cake.

As of 3 Feb 2021, this full ingredient list is displayed on their website. It is the only product to accidentally show the complete labeling. (Update: After our concerns were raised via an email, the ingredient list quickly changed to the less transparent list you will now see below. )

Same cake, same ingredients, but look how clean it all looks when they hide and tuck it under non-descriptive terms.

It's real because the terminology Woolworths used was precise and we also confronted them through email:

  1. There was no denial
  2. They quickly changed the website version to its vague descriptive state above.

Here is the web archive snapshot before they changed it. Undeniable proof.


We all know junk or pleasure food is usually not health-promoting(although it could be if high-quality ingredients are used). It’s usually empty calories, no nutrition, etc.


I dont want to eat something that is simultaneously killing me at the same time while paying a small fortune for it(a double negative). That’s just a bad deal.

Most diseases and illness is related to diet, lifestyle factors, and the environment, with diet being the number 1 cause.

There are so many horrible types of cancers and sicknesses that you don’t want to even think about. Most, however, are caused by toxic food substances like trans fats, hormone disruptor chemicals like BPA , excess estrogens, PAHs, and cooked byproducts like acrylamide.

So if you are fine with consuming things like Potassium hydroxide. Go for it. Just as with smoking, it’s important to know what it is and the consequences, which is your fundamental right.

And, remember, these ingredients cant be claimed safe in any dose. The regulatory agencies, if you want to put your faith in them despite populations being sicker than any other point in history, are not exactly perfect or reliable.

-Study methodologies are often flawed
-Almost all are tested on rats only and for a very short duration.
-Almost no human studies tested of X or Y chemical(because its unethical to begin with) and certainly not over long-term exposure.
-Humans are very much individuals. Different things affect us differently(Like gluten, colorants in food, etc). So, you could be one of those people that suffers severe inflammation from those chemicals without knowing it, until it's sometimes too late.

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So, to sum up:
1.You work hard for your money
2.You expect or assume the ridiculous overpriced products to use top high-quality ingredients.
3. They dont. At least not Woolworths. No, they use cheap disgusting junk. Good for maximizing profits.
4. It is your right to know what exactly you are spending your money on. Not to be deceived by useless info like “flavoring, raising agents, emulsifiers”.
5. They could possibly urinate/piss in your food and label it “Flavoring”. Think about that.

Bake your own stuff, or buy from small local bakeries that make it fresh, you will save a ton of money and your health will be better off years down the road.

If this has helped you or if you know anyone that shops for this or cares about their health/has health issues, please share this with them, they will really appreciate it and be empowered.

-Pascal, health and food expert




Interested in health, food, and everything in between.